Shoreline cleanup and ramble

Vancouver Aquarium Logo

On Sunday, September 21 the Scout troop took part in The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. This is an annual event organized by the Vancouver Aquarium to study and improve ocean, lake and river habitats across the country.

Unfortunately, the short notice meant that only two Scouts were able to attend, but we had a fun time clambering around in the riverbed of David Balfour Park just east of the St. Clair Subway station.  We removed a lot of garbage and saw some cool stuff including an old flood control dam, pieces of old clay chimney pots, and Phillip found part of an old roof slate.  Some of the broke glass we removed also seemed to be pretty old, including part of an old milk bottle.

This year we helped with a clean up organized by someone else.  Maybe next year we can get our whole group out to clean a shoreline near us on the Don!  Thanks to Edy and Phillip who came out.  They also completed a requirement for their Citizenship badge.  Way to go guys!

More information can be found here: