February 22 is Baden Powell day and is when Scouting honors our founder with special events.
Thursday, Feb 21 will be the group banquet. All youth and their families are encouraged to join us for a potluck supper. We will start arriving at 6pm and plan to eat around 6:30.
Please bring a dish that would feed about 6 people:
- Cubs – main course,
- Scouts – bread, drinks and salads,
- Beavers – desserts
Wear your uniform to school/work
You certainly don’t have to, but wearing your uniform to school or work on Feb. 22 (BP’s birthday) is a great way to show your pride in Scouting and our great group. This also might be a great opportunity to sell some of those candy sticks if you are fundraising to go to the Jamboree since wearing your uniform will start some conversations.
Scouting service at St. Peter’s
In addition to our banquet we have been invited to attend the church service at St. Peter’s on Sunday, February 24. You will receive a letter of invitation with time and details at meetings this week.
This is an opportunity to show our thanks for use of the space and make a stronger connection with the congregation who is our group sponsor.
Hope to see you celebrating BP week at these group events.