UPDATE April 2024: Lots has been done. Warington has launched again and we’ll be getting the mast up and the sails bent in the next week or so. More to be done to make him pretty, but we’re going to spend the summer sailing him in the races at QCYC before then.
Hello Scouts, Scouters and parents,

Warington (the Scouts’ Kirby 23 sailboat) needs a lot of work to be in a condition for Scouts to sail on. It’s not complicated, but will take many hands over several days. Scouter Keith will be working on Warington all day on June 3rd, 10th, 11th, and 18th and all Scouts, parents and Scouters are invited to come help. We made a good start on May 25 and Hans did a great job climbing into the lazarette to remove some nuts, but we need to keep the momentum going. It is very satisfying work to repair and make something work. It is a good way to build skills and feel ownership of our Scout boat. Don’t worry about the length of the list below, I’ve broken most of it into tasks that we can clearly mark off and that makes the list look longer. Nevertheless, it will take several sessions as some things like epoxy or paint need to set between work sessions.
If you’re going to come, it’s important that you call or text Skipper Keith at 647-824-1408 to confirm the times you are coming and that there are two Scouters here. Alternatively, you can bring a parent and then we don’t have to worry about the number of Scouters.
Please bring a lunch and a water bottle. We have a fridge and access to a microwave. There is a restaurant if you prefer to buy your lunch.
I hope to see all of you at some point in the process of making Warington shipshape.
Skipper Keith
The tasks that we need to accomplish are:
- deck fittings
remove all the deck fittingsscraping the deck and fittings to remove old bedding compound- re-bedding and fastening deck fittings including cleats that were removed for lifting port.
- grab rails
remove grab rails- epoxy and clamp grab rails — may not be realistic. Replace?
- re-bed and fasten grab rails
- starboard toe rail
remove toe rail
drill out holestape and fill holes with epoxy to seal hull-deck joint— mostly donere-drill holesre-bed and fasten toe rail
- port toe-rail and soft deck repair
remove toe railsecure safely to starboard toe railsoft deckcarefully cut out soft deck section (with rotary tool?)remove rotten core of deckreplace core with plywoodepoxy and fibreglass top deck section
drill out toe rail holes- t
ape and fill with epoxy to seal hull-deck joint— mostly done re-drill holesre-bed and fasten toe rail
- close lifting port hole with fibreglass
secure wiring panel— could still use some gap filling when we fill the lifting hole.finish bilge pump installation- scrub decks and interior – mostly done, but will need to be re-done before painting.
- refurbish and remount winches
- repair mainsail track — blocks have been purchased
- Prime and paint deck and apply non-skid finish – autumn tasks
Less well defined and optional tasks:
- repair spare main sail (tape) ($25)
- inspect and repair the jib sail ($25)
- install battery box
- install and wire navigation lights – partly done.
- repair and mount outboard motor – looking for a shop
- buy and install a windex at the mast-head ($50 at Binnacle) — windex has been purchased
- remove and re-mount dinghy drains in cockpit with through bolts and bedding compound. This is going to be harder than thought because someone applied epoxy to the screw heads and I can’t get a driver to bite.
- paint the interior of the cabin (~$50 for paint – but we may have some)
- buy and install a head ($400 at Binnacle)
- buy insignia cloth and put our own logo on one or more sails (having trouble sourcing this in Canada, ~$50)
- replace outboard (~$2.5k – Suzuki) or go electric (~$5k – Torqueedo 6 + ~$5.2k for batteries) – would need a significant source of funds, so unless that happens, we’ll paddle and get the old outboard working.
- replace sails – have a quote from North Sails – ~$5000
- replace winches (~$700)
- replace sleeping berth cushions (~$250 for the quarter-berths and ~$500 for the vee-berth ) — Scouter Lyn is working on this. we should have them soon.