Thanks to everyone who made it a great event. Especially to those who ran it: Vicki, Sinead, Mary Beth, Laini, Beth, Morgan, and the Scouts who
Year: 2013
Scout Meetings on Jan. 23 and 30
Jan. 23 – survival kits and personal gear report back I need a confirmation by Jan. 23 of who is attending winter camp. Please also
Jamboree Pasta Dinner
Facebook event page Fundraiser for the 403rd Sea Scouts to attend the Canadian Scout Jamboree in Alberta in july 2013. Cost: $10.00 Family of four
Scout Winter Camp — Feb. 1-3, 2013 — Blue Springs Scout Reserve
This will be our first camp of 2013. It promises to be very exciting. We’ll be sleeping in Adirondack shelters at Blue Spring Scout Reserve