Santa thanks you

Thanks to everyone who helped out with delivering Santa parcels this year. Unfortunately, we’re always so busy that pictures usually get forgotten. I only got this one decent picture. We delivered lots and lots of parcels to more than 450 addresses. Considering how few cars we had, that is an amazing achievement. There was some hard work hauling parcels by hand over significant distances in the neighbourhood. Special thanks to the Scouts and parents who delivered almost all the hours we were open.

Apple Day 2011

We need the support of all families to make this fundraiser work. We depend on it to subsidize families who need it and to purchase equipment for all members to use. If you are a member, make sure you come in uniform. If you are a parent, please come prepared to help encourage and supervise all the youth members.

There are three opportunities to participate:

1. Friday, October 14 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at Parliament and Carlton. We’ll meet at the pillar on the southeast corner.
2. Saturday, October 15 from 9am to noon or so at St. Lawrence Market. We’ll meet near the fountain at the north market. St. Lawrence is where we get most of our financial support and is where we need the most youth. In addition, if we’re facing bad weather all weekend, St. Lawrence is where we’ll focus our energies and we’ll likely stay here until two or three in the afternoon as there is some shelter and indoor space to interact with people in.
3. Saturday, October 15 from noon or so, until 4pm on Parliament St. at Carlton. We’ll meet at the pillar on the southeast corner.