At a glance:
First meeting nights & key leaders:
Wed, Sept 11 – 6 to 7pm Beavers (6 & 7 yrs) – Janis Purdy
Wed, Sept 11 – 7 to 9pm Scouts (11 – 14 yrs) – Andrew Condos
Thurs, Sept 12 – 7 to 8:30pm Cubs (8 to 10 yrs) – Vicki Thompson
Yes, you can register on these nights – we are accepting registrations in all three age groups (sections)
To register, print and complete a form and bring with payment on the first meeting night. Forms are available at this link http://www.scouts.ca/sites/
Cost: The fee is $165 for the full year. For all new youth there is the initial cost of the uniform and for Cubs and Scouts there is a cost for camps ($45 per camp). All sections may participate in additional outings with additional costs.Registration subsidies ($55) are available as well as paying the full cost over time. Appropriate arrangements can be made through the group commissioner, Beth Baskin. Participation subsidies for uniforms and camps can be arranged.
If you have three or more children from the same family the 3rd child and beyond is $125.
You can pay via cash or cheque to Scouts Canada – 403 Toronto Group.
Information required on the forms:
Your child’s health card number, tetanus shot date, an emergency contact person and your doctor’s name and phone number. When you sign the form you will be granting a number of permissions, so please read them before you sign.
Upcoming Events:
- Wednesday, September 4 7pm Group Committee Meeting at the church
- September 7 & 8 – Cabbagetown Festival – Need Parents & youth to staff our table details in an email early next week from Janis Purdy
- September 27 to 29th Cub Camp at Wye Marsh
- October 18 & 19 Apple Day fund raiser – Need a coordinator
- Popcorn fund-raising specific dates to be confirmed, but in September & October – Coordinated by Marie Carter, Danielle Potvin,& Renata Wygoda
- Scout Camp will happen this fall, but date not confirmed as of yet
As you are preparing for the fall and labelling all your child’s items for school and other activities please consider buying Mabel’s Labels online www.scoutscanada403rd.