Reissue Sea Scout Crest

Hello Skippers, Mates, Coxswains, Sea Scouts, and Scouters,

I’m the former skipper of the 403TO Sea Scouts in downtown Toronto and currently an assistant with the same ship’s company and QM for the group. In my youth I was a Sea Scout at the 1st West Hill in Scarborough (now defunct).

At the Canadian Jamboree this summer, I really enjoyed the opportunity to connect with other Sea Scouts from across the country, especially the lone group between Ontario and BC (you know who you are 144). In general badge trading, I came across an old Sea Scout crest and traded for it as the holder didn’t really have any interest in it. Once I had it I found that the Sea Scouts I met were very interested in it and were all eager to trade for it. I ultimately traded it to one new sea scout who very much wanted it for his own jacket. It got me thinking though about how little Sea Scout material is available to us.