We had a great time at Blue Springs. We stayed in two Adirondacks: Coyote and Raccoon. We were able to squeeze everyone into Coyote on
Author: Communications Scouter
Sea Scouts Summer Camp 2013
While some of us are going to the Canadian Jamboree in Alberta from July 6-17, we will still be participating in the shared Haliburton Camp we have been a part of for some years now. We will be part of a combined troop at camp with the 1st Highland Creek and the 2nd Agincourt. The camp is open to 403rd Toronto Scouts, and Cubs who are going up to Scouts in June. Cubs who attend will be invested at camp.
Our campsite will be Hidden Bay. We will canoe to all our activities. Our activities will include archery, rifle shooting, sailing, kayaking, star gazing, rappelling, and much more. We will most likely do an overnight hike on our own partway through the week.
QCYC Youth Sailing Camp (and an adult course too)
I joined this club last year, to start to build relationships that would help us spend more time on the water as Sea Scouts. This isn’t a Scout program, but successful completion of White Sail 1 would get you your sailing badge. This is a pretty good deal for a two week camp. I hope some of you will be able to take advantage of it. — Scouter Keith
Pasta Dinner a great success – Thank you all!
Thanks to everyone who made it a great event. Especially to those who ran it: Vicki, Sinead, Mary Beth, Laini, Beth, Morgan, and the Scouts who
Scout Meetings on Jan. 23 and 30
Jan. 23 – survival kits and personal gear report back I need a confirmation by Jan. 23 of who is attending winter camp. Please also
Jamboree Pasta Dinner
Facebook event page Fundraiser for the 403rd Sea Scouts to attend the Canadian Scout Jamboree in Alberta in july 2013. Cost: $10.00 Family of four
Scout Winter Camp — Feb. 1-3, 2013 — Blue Springs Scout Reserve
This will be our first camp of 2013. It promises to be very exciting. We’ll be sleeping in Adirondack shelters at Blue Spring Scout Reserve
403rd Toronto Scout Group goes skating!
Wednesday, December 12, 6:30 to 8:00 pm Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Parents and Siblings all welcome. Bring skates if you have them. If not, we have
403 Toronto delivers Santa Boxes
We’re nearly done another year of delivering boxes in the St. Jamestown and surrounding areas. This year, our depot was one of the ones featured
403 Toronto Cubs present wreath at Remembrance Day ceremony
Our Cubs presented a wreath they had made for Remembrance Day at the official ceremony held at Old City Hall. Here’s a short clip from