Scouts Canada has, this summer, officially committed to engage actively with Truth and Reconciliation. While Scouting was not specifically named in the calls to action
Category: Beavers
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Meeting Nights and first meetings There has been a great shuffling of nights to better accommodate sailing (and other watersports) when the time comes. The
Scouting in a time of pandemic
At home… While our program has traditionally focused on group and in person activities building leadership and resilience, there are some opportunities and resources for
Apple Day today and Tomorrow
We’re here at Union Station right now and St Lawrence Market in the morning. Beautiful henge moment a few minutes ago…
Starting a new year
We’re back online for real. Our website hasn’t had much love since 2015, but we’ve been quite active all this time and many things have
Earth Day 2015
To honour Earth Day the 403rd Toronto Beavers went to Toronto Allen Gardens and got a tour of some of mother natures most magnificent creations.
Check out the photos from our trip.
Apple Day 2014
A huge thank you to all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, leaders and parents who came out to help with our Apple Day 2014 fundraising. Apple Day is such an important fundraising opportunity for the group with 100% of the donations staying with the 403rd Toronto. View photos from the day
New program year starts September 10
Meetings for Beavers (6&7 year olds) start at 6 PM and meetings for Sea Scouts (11+ year olds) start at 7 PM on Wednesday, September
Scout-Guide week activities
We held our annual banquet and participated in a Founder’s Day service with our sponsor, St. Peter’s Anglican Church. The banquet went well and we all sang Ging Gang Goolie with and for the families just before dessert. All sections were represented at both events.
Thank you all for your support on Apple Day!
Thanks to all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, leaders and parents who came out to help this year. All of your efforts are appreciated! Let’s strive for 100% participation next year.
I think in the end it was reasonably successful in spite of the Navy League and the rain. We don’t know yet how successful we were, but we went through at least one more basket of apples than we did last year. Here are a few photos from down at St. Lawrence Market this morning. We didn’t get any photos from Parliament and Carlton, but CTV came to visit and Amelia, Savhanna, and Morgan were on camera at various points. Not sure when it was to be used, but my guess was the 6 o’clock news. If anyone saw it, let us know.