We are open and welcoming returning and  new members with spaces in all three age groups. Please circulate this to friends as you wish. Many more
Category: Cubs
Skyline Kub Kar, Scout Truck, Beaver Buggy Rally
Saturday April 20 2013 Downsview United Church 2822 Keele St (Just north of Wilson on the west side)Note: Use the back door (from west side
Baden Powell Week events
February 22 is Baden Powell day and is when Scouting honors our founder with special events. Banquet Thursday, Feb 21 will be the group banquet.
403rd Toronto Scout Group goes skating!
Wednesday, December 12, 6:30 to 8:00 pm Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Parents and Siblings all welcome. Bring skates if you have them. If not, we have
403 Toronto Cubs present wreath at Remembrance Day ceremony
Our Cubs presented a wreath they had made for Remembrance Day at the official ceremony held at Old City Hall. Here’s a short clip from
Wood Badge Training for this Fall
We’ve had a great year. There are a number of training opportunities coming up to help improve our skills and program. The forms are attached.  The group will cover the registration cost for members of the group.
Part 1 – This initial training addresses basic program planning, the badge system, policy, and using the outdoors. This is also a great opportunity to network with other leaders to get ideas and and hatch plans for shared events.
Part 2 – This is more advanced training intended to go into much further depth on program planning and outdoor skills. Like the part 1, this is a great opportunity to meet other leaders and network. Unlike the part 1, we’ll be camping the whole time and will have more time to experiment with program ideas. You must have your part 1 and at least a year of group experience before you can take your part 2.
403rd Picnic
We had a great end of year picnic last night. It is the best weather we’ve ever had for a group event. Our group is
back at the Winchester Fun Fair
We had a great and successful time at the fun fair. The participants aren’t reflected in these photos because we were too busy once we got going to take any photos. We’ve had a few new members join because they found us at the fun fair.
403rd Toronto at the Cabbagetown Forsythia Festival
The Cubs and Beavers marched in the parade and then had some information and activities set up at the group table in Wellesley Park. The
Cub Art about Baden Powell
I forgot I had them and just now found the pictures I’d taken of their work.