Sea Scouts Summer Camp 2012

We will be part of a combined troop at camp with the 1st Highland Creek and the 2nd Agincourt. The camp is open to 403rd Toronto Scouts, Venturers and Cubs who are going up to Scouts in June/September. Cubs who attend will be invested at camp.

Our campsite will be Hidden Bay. We will canoe to all our activities. Our activities will include archery, rifle shooting, sailing, kayaking, star gazing, rappelling, and much more. We will most likely do an overnight hike on our own partway through the week.

Santa thanks you

Thanks to everyone who helped out with delivering Santa parcels this year. Unfortunately, weโ€™re always so busy that pictures usually get forgotten. I only got this one decent picture. We delivered lots and lots of parcels to more than 450 addresses. Considering how few cars we had, that is an amazing achievement. There was some hard work hauling parcels by hand over significant distances in the neighbourhood. Special thanks to the Scouts and parents who delivered almost all the hours we were open.

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