Camp Canoeing Instructor course

This is for any Scout Leader (youth or adult) who offers or would like to offer canoe instruction to other members of Scouting. It is the shortest instructor program that the Ontario Recreational Canoeing and Kayaking Association (ORCKA) offers. It is designed primarily for camps, but can also be used by organisations such as Scouting which have a tradition and proficiency in canoeing.

This is not a skills course! This in an instructor course. It is assumed that you already have a paddling skill level equivalent to at least ORCKA Basic 4 (solo).

Whitewater Adventure

Sunday, July 6 to Saturday, July 12, 2014 on the Lower Madawaska River to Griffith, Ontario

Pdf version of this information for printing.

The 403rd Toronto Sea Scouts are hosting an exciting opportunity for Venturers and Scouts to take their canoeing skills to the next level on one of Ontario’s best canoeing rivers.
This camp is open to any registered member of Scouts Canada from age 13 to 17 inclusive. There are only 12 spaces for participants, so you should act quickly to secure your spot.

Sea Scouts Summer Camp 2014

While some of us are going to the Canadian Jamboree in Alberta from July 6-17, we will still be participating in the shared Haliburton Camp we have been a part of for some years now. We will be part of a combined troop at camp with the 1st Highland Creek and the 2nd Agincourt. The camp is open to 403rd Toronto Scouts, and Cubs who are going up to Scouts in June. Cubs who attend will be invested at camp.

Our campsite will be Hidden Bay. We will canoe to all our activities. Our activities will include archery, rifle shooting, sailing, kayaking, star gazing, rappelling, and much more. We will most likely do an overnight hike on our own partway through the week.