Looking for sailors, paddlers, campers, and engaged citizens! Come share your skills and passion with youth 5 to 16 within a local Scouts Canada Group.
Category: Leaders
Scouts and Truth and Reconciliation Week
Scouts Canada has, this summer, officially committed to engage actively with Truth and Reconciliation. While Scouting was not specifically named in the calls to action
Apple Day 2014
A huge thank you to all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, leaders and parents who came out to help with our Apple Day 2014 fundraising. Apple Day is such an important fundraising opportunity for the group with 100% of the donations staying with the 403rd Toronto. View photos from the day
403 Leaders camp together to share skills for new program year
Here is a pictorial tour of our weekend together. We set up camp in the dark and discovered that leaders too can misplace the peg
Camp Canoeing Instructor course
This is for any Scout Leader (youth or adult) who offers or would like to offer canoe instruction to other members of Scouting. It is the shortest instructor program that the Ontario Recreational Canoeing and Kayaking Association (ORCKA) offers. It is designed primarily for camps, but can also be used by organisations such as Scouting which have a tradition and proficiency in canoeing.
This is not a skills course! This in an instructor course. It is assumed that you already have a paddling skill level equivalent to at least ORCKA Basic 4 (solo).