Hello Skippers, Mates, Coxswains, Sea Scouts, and Scouters,
I’m the former skipper of the 403TO Sea Scouts in downtown Toronto and currently an assistant with the same ship’s company and QM for the group. In my youth I was a Sea Scout at the 1st West Hill in Scarborough (now defunct).
At the Canadian Jamboree this summer, I really enjoyed the opportunity to connect with other Sea Scouts from across the country, especially the lone group between Ontario and BC (you know who you are 144). In general badge trading, I came across an old Sea Scout crest and traded for it as the holder didn’t really have any interest in it. Once I had it I found that the Sea Scouts I met were very interested in it and were all eager to trade for it. I ultimately traded it to one new sea scout who very much wanted it for his own jacket. It got me thinking though about how little Sea Scout material is available to us.
I’d like to reissue the classic sea scout badge, probably as a woven design and probably a bit smaller. I’m attaching a scan of the original (3″ diameter) and the art I will use to get a reissue done. I think 2.5″ or even 2″ would be a nice size. I’m wondering if any of you are interested in buying any if these if I get them done? This would be strictly on a cost-recovery basis for the betterment of Sea Scouting in Canada. We’re thinking they would be good on jackets, sweaters, blankets and neckers.
At this point, I’m especially keen to make contact with those who would like to buy at least 20 badges, but if there are individuals who would like only a few, I’d be happy to deal with that as well. I doubt that I would want to do this every year, so consider how many you might want to get you through two-three years. I’ll be getting a preliminary quote soon and would like to get these produced before Feb 1, 2014 if possible. I’m guessing that they’ll cost $2-3 each.
Even if you don’t want any, I’d love to hear back from you as I’d like to start to build a bit of a Sea Scout network across the country to let us work together and support each other.
Keith Nunn
403TO Sea Scout Group