Wood Badge Training for this Fall

We’ve had a great year. There are a number of training opportunities coming up to help improve our skills and program. The forms are attached.ย ย The group will cover the registration cost for members of the group.

Part 1 – This initial training addresses basic program planning, the badge system, policy, and using the outdoors. This is also a great opportunity to network with other leaders to get ideas and and hatch plans for shared events.

Part 2 – This is more advanced training intended to go into much further depth on program planning and outdoor skills. Like the part 1, this is a great opportunity to meet other leaders and network. Unlike the part 1, we’ll be camping the whole time and will have more time to experiment with program ideas. You must have your part 1 and at least a year of group experience before you can take your part 2.

Sea Scouts Summer Camp 2012

We will be part of a combined troop at camp with the 1st Highland Creek and the 2nd Agincourt. The camp is open to 403rd Toronto Scouts, Venturers and Cubs who are going up to Scouts in June/September. Cubs who attend will be invested at camp.

Our campsite will be Hidden Bay. We will canoe to all our activities. Our activities will include archery, rifle shooting, sailing, kayaking, star gazing, rappelling, and much more. We will most likely do an overnight hike on our own partway through the week.